Mahakali Temple, Adivare, Rajapur, Ratnagiri

Mahakali Devi Temple of Adivare is at a distance of 36 kms from Ratnagiri and 26 kms from Rajapur. This temple is as famous as Shree Karveer Niwasini Ambabai Mahalaxmi Temple of Kolhapur because idols of three deities – Shri Devi Mahakali, Shri Devi Mahalaxmi and Shri Devi Mahasaraswati are worshipped together in Mahakali Temple.

Shree Makakali Mandir is awakened temple and Shree Mahakali is believed to be wish fulfilling goddess. Temples of Shree Nagareshwar, Shree Mahalaxmi, Shree Ravalnath, Shree Mahakali and Shree Mahasaraswati are in the premises of Mahakali Temple.

Shree Nagareshwar:

This god is known as Adyadarshaniya Devta of Adivare village. After visiting temple, it is a customary to take darshan of Shree Nagareshwar first. Shree Nagareshwar is Swayambhu (Self-existed) Deiety. On the left side is the idol of Ganpati, Nandi in front, Kirtimukh on Mahadwara. Idol of Devi Parvati and Nag Devta is behind Shree Nagareshwar.

There is a big snake burrows in the northwest corner of the temple and It is high upto the roof. It is said that there is large snake in the burrows and he comes out sometime. He is prayed for prevention of fear. People worship snake in the this burrows on Nagpanchami every year.

Shree Mahalaxmi:

This deity is the second deity in the panchayatan and after taking darshan of Shri Nagareshwar, It is a customery to take darshan of Shri Mahalaxmi. Idol of Shri Mahalaxmi is west-facing and it is installed by Shrimad Adya Shankaracharya. He came to Adivare province in the eleventh century and established idol of Shri Mahalaxmi by denying Jain doctrines. And so the god of Jain – Jain Brahman is also on the right of Mahalaxmi Devi.

The meeting taking decision about Mahakali Devsthan is held at the Shri Mahalaxmi Temple.

Shri Rawalnath:

This deity is the third deity in the panchayatan and Shri Rawalnath is the incarnation of Bhairava. The idol of Rawalnath is South-facing.

Shri Mahakali:

Shri Mahakali is the presiding deity of panchayatan and this temple is known by this deity. Since the idol of Shri Mahakali is south-facing, It is of special importance.

The story of establishment Shri Devi Mahakali temple is told is as follows:

It is mentioned that the idol of Shri Mahakali Devi has been found for about eight hundred years in the sea of Vetye village, which has been about 5 km away from Adivare village. Vetye is the village situated near Arabian Sea. In this village people named Jadhav of Bhandari community live. About eight hundred years ago, when these Jadhavs went for fishing in Arabian Sea, their net stucked. Despite puting lots of effort, their net didn’t come up, they prayed for God of Sea. Then Devi came in dreams of one of them and said, I am Mahakali Devi, You take me up. Next day Jadhavs prayed for goddess and took the net out of water. There was black stone idol of Mahakali Devi in net. They installed Idol of Mahakali Devi in Wadapeth. As devi is found in Vetye village, Vetye is referred as Maher of Devi.

Shree Yogeshwari:

It is said that, Like Mahalaxmi, Shrimad Adya Shankaracharya installed idol of this Shree Yogeshwari on the left side of Mahakali Devi. This deity is also known as Jugaidevi.

Shree Mahasaraswati:

This deity is the fifth deity in the panchayatan. Shree Mahasaraswati is installed in front of the Mahakali Devi.

Conventional order of taking darshan of Mahakali Panchayatan:

  1. Shree Dev Nagareshwar
  2. Shree Devi Mahalaxmi
  3. Shree Dev Ravalnath
  4. Shree Devi Mahakali and Shree Devi Yogeshwari
  5. Shree Devi Mahasaraswati

Navratri festival and Shimgotsav are celebrated enthusiastically in Shree Mahakali temple. The arrangement of festival is socially oriented and all devotees serve the deities as per tradition.

Navratri festival:

Navratri festival is celebrated from Ashwin Shuddh Pratipada (Ghatsthapana) to Vijayadashami (Dasara). Fair in Navarati Festival is considered as one of the big fair in Rajapur. In this festival, religious programs like Pravachan, Kirtan, Palkhi Pradakshina and various cultural and entertaintment programs are organized.


Shimgotsava is celebrated from Falgun Shuddh Ekadashi to Falgun Pournima in the temple. On Falgun Vadya Pratipada (Dhulivandan), Holi or massive bonfire is lit.

It is a customary to take a response of devi to celebrate shimagotsav. If a resonse of devi is not affirmative, It is asked that whether goddess wish to go any of her location. As per response of devi, goddess is taken to the place she suggested. These locations are as follows:

  1. Khambachi Baul – Vetye
  2. Chandel – Mogare
  3. Panereche Tale – Panere (Lake of Panere)
  4. Chaturseema (the four bounderies)

While entering from open space to innermost part of temple (Gabhara), there are gaurds on both sides and they are wooden. Idol of Ganesha is carved on pillar on right side in Gabhara. Mythical paintings in wooden plates are carved on roof of temple. Temple has large open space and the area of temple is clean and beautiful.

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